Ely Bargains for Zora’s Life! Choujin X Chapter 60.1 Spoilers!
The final battle for Zora is about to begin but things are not as simple now that we know that Zora’s fate is tied to our protagonists

In the previous Choujin X chapter, BB sacrifices herself to stabilize Azuma, while Azuma chooses to make his own life outside of his destiny as Queem’s vessel, waking up next to the fallen BB.
Choujin X Chapter 60.1 is titled, “At the end of the pilgrimage”
This chapter has 32 pages.
The chapter begins a while after the battle against Vlad and Chaosified Azuma as Sandek and Arthur find the battlefield in ruins.
Ely with Tokio carrying Momoma also witness this.
Ely flies around to search for Azuma and eventually finds Denkuu thanks to the Smith Brothers.
Denku tells Ely about the battle against Bador Vlad, that there were two Choujin casualties: BB and Tagawa.
And out of the 80 human troops, only five remain.
The Keepers check on Azuma, his vitals dropping.
When asked by Ely about Azuma, Denkuu simply tells her that Azuma fought until he could no more and he was the one to finish off Vlad but Vlad wounded him severely before defeat.
Ely notes the loss of Azuma’s right arm and being unconscious, he cannot Raise to revive himself.
It would be a bad idea for Azuma to Raise after being Chaosified to that degree.
Ely tells Denkuu not to tell anyone about Azuma’s condition to preserve morale.
Denkuu notes he has also exhausted his power and cannot help with the fighting but he will inform Sandek about the situation.
Seeing the complete loss of BB’s team, especially of BB herself and Tagawa, Sandek makes a speech, telling everyone to keep moving forward to defeat Zora for the sake of those who lost their lives in this battle.
The throne room is up ahead.
And only Zora is left.
While recovering with Momoma, Simon notes that Momoma is at her limit and cannot continue Raising but Momoma protests, thinking she could still keep going.
This arc continues to expand on the concept of Choujin Raises and how they are not a hack for immortality.
Choujin do not live forever. After all, Queem died and needed to clone himself to escape death.
In this chapter, we learn there is a way to measure how much one can Raise.
They check vitals and measure the supercell density in a choujin’s blood.
The amount of Raises a Choujin can have is correlated to the time the Choujin can use their abilities.
All ability usage is connected to the amount of supercells inside a Choujin’s body.
With blood checks, even in a battlefield, Choujin can be told how often they can Raise.
Simon makes a joke about how Momoma has not done enough training.
Michael and Michaelangelo are nervous about the final confrontation with Zora.
Meanwhile, Tokio and Ely converse about their situation/
Sandek orders the six Choujin:Momoma, Simon, the Smith brothers, Denkuu, and Azuma to stay put.
The rest will move forward to Zora’s throne room, albeit without reinforcements.
Michael asked about Sato’s backup and Sandek reveals that Poko informed them that they were not able to contact the wide-area defense team Sato is a part of.
They blame this on Zora’s abilities but some fans think Sato might be the real reason why communications have been hard.
What is Sato doing amidst all this chaos?
As Yamato Mori advances, Ely tells them not to kill Zora but Simon finishes, saying that Jing and Tawashi told them that if Zora’s power vanishes, Choujin with her blood will die.
Simon makes the logical assumption that this is a way for Zora to make them inherit her mark before she dies.
Michael realizes this is referring to Tokio
Arthur, however, verifies the Tower of Mourning’s claims to be true, saying this is a “reversal of cause and effect” or causal retroversion, where awakening by blood causes a strange “mother-child” codependence, such that if the cause of an event disappears, its effects will also vanish, thus confirming that Tokio, Azuma, and those who have received Zora’s blood will die.
This is why the Tower of Mourning has such cultish devotion to Zora.
The “right thing” to do is strange right now because Yamato Mori is essentially attempting to erase Zora’s children, including those who did not even ask for this fate.
Michael refuses to believe this but Arthur notes that there are even Choujin with the power to change the flow of time, so this connection by blood is not strange.
In spite Ely’s protests, Tokio still chooses to go to Zora, with Sandek in agreement with Tokio while sympathizing with Ely and Michael’s concerns and this is where the chapter ends.