Black Clover: Ultimate Nacht Faust Quiz Is Here! Harsh S 14 Jul 2023 BLACK CLOVER © 2015 by Yuki Tabata/SHUEISHA Inc. 0 votes, 0 avg 15 Created by Harsh S Black Clover: Ultimate Nacht Faust Is Here! Do you believe that you are a true fan of Black Clover? Then check out this ultimate Quiz on Nacht Faust! 1. What type of magic Nacht uses? Black Magic Devil Magic Shadow Magic Dark Magic 2. What is Nacht's age? 45 29 30 27 3. What is Nacht's hieght? 175 cm 181 cm 180 cm 178 cm 4. How many Devil Union modes does Nacht have? 4 6 7 8 5. What is the real colour of Nacht's hair? Blonde Black White Red 6. How many devils does Nacht host? 6 3 4 5 7. Nacht does not host which of the following? Baal Plumede Gimodelo Solots Your score is The average score is 68% Restart quiz 300*600