Garling as the fifth Gorosei? A new player joins the One Piece endgame!

Here are some early One Piece chapter spoilers courtesy of Pewpiece.
Chapter 1125 is titled, “How to Define Death”
After the events of Egghead Island, Saturn holds a meeting with the Vice Admirals. After the Vice Admirals give their apologies for their failure, they recommend that they will pursue the Straw Hats to Elbaf.
However, Saturn refuses, saying that they fulfilled their mission in destroying Egghead Island but the biggest failure was in the Vegapunk broadcast.
Now people know more the Void Century, the sinking of the world, and other secrets.
At Egghead, we see Punk Records, which holds Vegapunk’s brain, suddenly rising up thanks to the Cloud Machine.
York tries to stop the departure of Punk Records but it is too late.
In the Room of Authority, where the Five Elders meet, Garling Figarland enters the Room and has been named the NEW Warrior God of Science and Defense, replacing Saturn.
In Chapter 1121: “The Upheavel of the Era” , Garling was featured as among the players who would compete for the One Piece, alongside his lord Imu, Luffy, Shanks, Akainu, Dragon, Buggy, Blackbeard, Sabo, Koby, Kuzan, and a mysterious silhouetted swordsman.
Now, all the known players have confirmed their participation in the war to come.
Saturn suddenly bursts in black flames, causing the old man to beg for Imu’s forgiveness and mercy.
It is too late, however, as Saturn ages quickly and explodes, leaving behind only a skeleton.
Returning to Punk Records, a new Vegapunk is assembled, a singular body with the minds of Edison, Shaka, Pythagoras and Atlas, who had previously been killed in the final stretch of the Egghead Island Buster Call.
What will this new Vegapunk do?
We end the chapter with Kamabakka Kingdom, the new headquarters for the Revolutionary Army. Koala summarizes Vegapunk’s broadcast to Dragon, who declares that “the war to secure safe places on earth is about to happen.”
The chapter once again reinforces the thematic ties between Vegapunk and Imu. Just as the six Satellites are separate individuals tied to the essence of a single being,
Imu’s Five Elders are also Imu’s extensions to the world. This is why the Five Elders are also called the Five Elder Stars and a new star is rising as the ringed star of Saturn is replaced by Garling.
Lilith’s words in the previous chapter about how “all the Vegapunks” are still alive prove correct as there is now a new Vegapunk who carries the unique wills of four previously-deceased Vegapunk Satellites. How will these two unique Vegapunks, carrying the legacy of the former great scientist, live as their own individuals?
Lastly, how will the Revolutionary Army act? We have only seen their greatest feat in the form of liberating the slaves in Mariejoa, an act only Fisher Tiger of the Sun Pirates was able to pull off.
With Sabo’s rise as the Flame Emperor and now the emergence of a new active player for the World Government in Figarland Garling, what will this war look like? And what role will the Straw Hats play in the bigger picture while staying in the kingdom of the Giant race.
There will be NO BREAK next week.