

One Piece finally unveils its hidden Void Century! Oda just cooked the best manga chapter of 2025!

One Piece Joy Boy Luffy Imu Void Century
ONE PIECE © 1997 by Eiichiro Oda/SHUEISHA Inc.

In the previous One Piece chapter, we finally get the full reveal of Shanks’ lookalike, Figarland Shamrock, a commander of God’s Knights and son of Saint Garling.

One Piece Chapter 1138 is titled, “Harley”

This is Japanese for “Sacred Texts”, the texts where we get the source of the Sun God Nika mythology from Chapter 1136: “The Land That Awaits the Sun”

This chapter has 17 pages.

We are now on Volume 24 of “Ogre Child Yamato’s Golden Harvest Surrogate Pilgrimage” as we see Who’s Who is in his secret base, the first time we see him since his defeat at Jinbe’s hands.

Who’s Who is shown wearing the usual Wano garb surrounded by his minions and women.

Shanks is a Figarland

The chapter begins with Loki’s head bowing down after the beating he took from Gunko.

We finally have confirmation that Loki was able to see Shamrock but could clearly tell that the man is not the Shanks he knew more personally and so he asks Shamrock if the man has any relations to Shanks.

Shamrock finally confirms what the fanbase has suspected: that Shanks is his twin brother and that they have grown apart.

Shamrock is the older twin while Shanks is the younger one.

This confirms something some fans have wondered about young Garling’s line (“Watch this, children.”) in the Kuma flashback (Chapter 1096: “Kumachi”) as he was showing off his skills in the Native Hunting Competition in God Valley.

However, notice that Shamrock says that they have “grown apart”.

This brings to question Shanks’ backstory and how he ended up with the Roger Pirates.

The God Valley Incident was 38 years ago and by this point, Shanks would be 2-3 years old and the same would go for Shamrock.

Shanks might have gotten lost and ended up among the treasure chests there.

But how would he remember if he was part of the Figarland Family unless Roger told him as he grew up.

Shamrock says Shanks returned to Mary Geoise once but he preferred to live in the “filthy lower world”.

Perhaps this happened after Roger’s execution.

Shanks and Sanji have a lot in common, having run away from their noble families, for different reasons or under different circumstances, and ending up adopted by a loving pirate father-figure.

There is no flashback shown here, only dialogue.

Loki feels amusement over the fact that he now has a vendetta against both Figarland brothers.

So this confirms that Loki feels resentment for Shanks and does not view him as a friend.

Gunko tells Shamrock, her boss, not to waste time on Loki but Shamrock tells his subordinate that there is no need for him to attack directly.

The Cerberus Theory Dispelled?

Shanks unsheathes his sword, which summons a 3-headed dog, the Cerberus.

Hold on, is Oda a Kagurabachi fan? This looks like a Kagurabachi ability, to summon beings from swords, like Enten (the main protagonist Chihiro’s Enchanted Blade).

The name tag does not specify what Cerberus is, besides being the name of the sword.

We are not sure if this is a Devil Fruit ability but given that we have learned as early as the Arabasta arc that objects can consume Devil Fruits (like Funkfreed, Spandam’s sword that ate the Zou Zou no Mi), it is likely to be a Devil Fruit ability.

Perhaps this is the Mythical Zoan Fruit, the Inu Inu no Mi: Model Cerberus and thus dispels one prominent fan theory about Blackbeard, which we cover in our Chapter 1138 Hints discussion.

It is even more likely that this is an Awakened Mythical Zoan, as it has black clouds covering its neck and three swords from each of its mouths.

The black clouds are a pattern found first with Rob Lucci and Kaku when they revealed with Awakened Zoans during the Egghead Island Arc and then the Five Elders in their Devil Fruits forms.

The three swords on each of its mouths could be due to the creature’s nature as a sword.

It could also be a handy hint that Shamrock will be Zoro’s opponent in this arc.

A Yonko-level opponent would be the next step for Zoro before facing his ultimate challenge: Mihawk.

In Greek mythology, Cerberus is the guard dog of the gates of Hades.

This ties to Shanks’ sword, Gryphon, another Greek mythological creature, that is the guardian of treasures.

Figarland Shamrock is the guardian of the hellish Heavenly World of the Celestial Dragons.

The former Figarland, Shanks, is the guardian of the One Piece treasure.

Two brothers, separated by fate, to guard two opposites.

Gunko creates a massive “bird” from her arrows using her Aro Aro No Mi powers

Before leaving, Shamrock orders the three Cerberus’ heads to fly away from its body and then he makes Cerberus’ body turn back into a sword. He and Gunko then jump on the “arrow bird” and fly away. 

Shamrock tells Loki that if he survives Cerberus’ heads, Loki is free to get his revenge.

Loki panics as the floating swords begin constantly stabbing him.

Geez, we have two full chapters of Loki getting tortured, first by Gunko’s arrows and now by Shamrock’s sword heads.

As Loki senses the departure of the God’s Knights, the three Cerberus heads stab Loki through the chest and Loki curses the Celestial Dragons for their wickedness.

While flying away from the Underworld, Shamrock discuss their next steps.

Realizing that the Giants of Elbaph are difficult to suppress, they plan to capture the Giant children first and has Gunko call one more person to join them. 

Gunko asks which one.

This confirms that Gunko might have the power to use the Magic Circles, meaning they are not dependent on the Gorosei, their type of Mythical Zoan Devil Fruits or any technology.

This could as well be magic.

Scopper Gaban Confirmed?

Back in Aurust Castle, Luffy and his group talk to the Giant Guards that Luffy found lying in the last chapter.

Luffy is upset because the guards insist that the man who attacked them is none other than “Red Hair” Shanks. 

Luffy cannot believe Shanks would do such a thing, then he says how cool and honorable Shanks is. 

Nami giggles when she sees Luffy so angry as he is surprised by how much trust Luffy has on Shanks.

Luffy remarks that Nami would be upset if someone said anything bad about Bell-mere, whom Luffy misremembers as Mori-mare.

The giants think it could be someone who looks like him or his brother.

Luffy thinks about who Shanks’ brother could be but he can only imagine that person to be a good guy. 

Luffy also recalls that Shanks has never spoken about his family before as he has always been on a pirate ship ever since he was a kid.

So Luffy thinks that only the Roger Pirates are his family, from Roger to Rayleigh.

However, Luffy refuses to think Buggy is part of that family, showing a clear dislike for the clown.

This might probably be due to his rotten actions early on in the Orange Town Arc.

And coincidentally, as Luffy was talking about the Roger Pirates being Shanks’ family, the scene immediately changes to the mysterious man we saw a few chapters ago. We can only see him from behind, but he is the same person who was drinking with Crocus in the chapter 631 cover. 

The mysterious man is walking toward the “Aurust Castle”, in front of the main door in fact.

This could only mean one thing, that this mystery man is Scopper Gaban and the husband of Ripley and father of Colon.

Luffy will likely meet Scopper Gaban first but inevitably, he will see Shamrock now that God’s Knights intend to kidnap the children of the Sun World.

Franky Discovers the Void Century Truth

We cut to Franky examining “Treasure Tree Adam” with Ripley as they see the huge mural painting on the tree but we do not see what it is yet.

Ripley explains that they are children’s drawings from ancient times that have fossilized and fused with the tree bark. 

The mural is of historical significance so it’s one of Elbaph’s cultural heritages.

The mural is dated to around 800 ot 900 years ago, around the same period as the Void Century.

Hearing this, Franky decides to fetch Robin but he notices that the drawings do not resemble giants.

As Franky speaks, we see glimpses of the mural.

A Mermaid Princess.

A Robot just like Emeth.

A creature with strange ears.

Ripley agrees with this observation since there have been wars among races but not an alliance of them.

We cut back to the Walrus School and we see children playing while Ange is teaching class.

Next, we move to the Owl Library, where Saul brings out the Harley book containing Elbaph’s sacred texts.

The book is quite old and has a Sun symbol on the cover, like the one in Kuma’s church in his flashback.

Saul explains how there are many interpretation of the Sun God” yet his laughter and his rhythm appear in legends all over the world. 

This means that Nika might have been worshipped by other races, which explains the popularity with the buccaneers and even slaves of the Celestial Dragons, whose organization is dedicated to wiping out all knowledge of Nika and the Void Century.

Harley has three chapters and each represents a “world”.

This concept of “three worlds” could be more akin to how the Aztec concept of “Five Suns”, where the world has gone through five distinct cycles of creation and destruction.

The third chapter is said to be the current world and the end of the chapter foretells what has yet to happen.

Robin begins to read as Franky stands before the Treasure Mural, which we finally get to see in detail.

The Treasure Tree Adam Mural

Treasure Tree Adam Mural One Piece

We have reached the final pages of this chapter and it is one of the most iconic things to ever witness.

We see the full mural packed with so much detail.

Treasure Tree Adam is at the center, which could also tie to its dual role as a representation of the Tree of Knowledge in Judeo-Christian traditions and the Tree of Life Yggdrasil that connects the Nine Realms of Norse mythology.

With Treasure Tree Adam as the divider, we see two sides.

Above the Tree, there is a winged monster or demon that spits fire from its mouth. 

Right side:

A great city is attacked by a massive serpent.

On the other side of this half of the mural, we see an ark with a king, angels, and animals on top. This might represent Noah, the giant ark from Fishman Island.

Here, we also see a moon and some people making offerings, which resemble stars. The moon might represent Wano and the stars could be the Akazaya Nine being sent through time or possibly another use of the Toki Toki no Mi, which is Kozuki Toki’s Devil Fruit and she is from the Void Century.

Alternatively and more likely to its intended part, the sparks or stars could be the energy sent to the Ark or to fuel the machinery of the old world that once held the original Mother Flame.

The last part contains paintings that were found in the “Enel’s Great Space Operations” cover story (Chapters 428-474), which could hint at Enel’s return to the surface.

Left side:

One Piece labels races @wonkoyonko

The left side contains a gigantic battle. The most recognizable figure is Nika (or Joy Boy) fighting against a huge winged demon that has the sun in its hands.

This could mean that the demon has usurped the power of the Sun (more on that later) and has shrouded the world in darkness.

This might be Imu and the five people on the boat on its side are the original Gorosei.

Nika is also fighting alongside giants (one of them with horns to represent the Ancient Giant Tribe), samurai (because of the shuriken and sword herE), Lunarians, Minks, a mermaid princess accompanied by sea creatures, angels, a robot similar to Emet and a lot of ships with humans (one of them seems to be from Arabasta).

This is not just the Alliance but potentially Joy Boy’s whole crew, consisting of specific entities that have familiar positions in Luffy’s Straw Hat crew.

Inherited Will lives on.

The Sacred Poem

As if to go along with the mural, Robin reads out the Harley Poem, divided into three worlds, just like how Elbaph is divided into three Worlds.

The First, the Underworld

The Second, the Sun

The Third, the Heaven

Notably, Heaven is not yet revealed to us in the Elbaph Arc.

Just as Heaven is the future destination of those who died in virtue.

We will dissect them here but there are multiple angles to look at, the “Ages” angle and the “Planet” angle.

The First World: The Age of the Underworld

On Earth, there in flame. 

Mankind, overtaken by desire, touched upon the forbidden Sun. 

The Enslaved prayed. The Sun God” appeared. 

The deity of Earth is enraged. 

Together with the Serpent of Hell Flame, 

They engulfed the world with death and darkness. 

They can’t be met again

Age of the Underworld Interpretation

The first chapter talks about the origins of Sun God Nika.

In the beginning, there was a flame.

This is a key line.

In Greek mythology, the Titan Prometheus stole fire from the Olympian Gods and gave it to humanity as a gift and it allowed them to create their own things and gain wisdom.

Fire is the very first man-made invention.

When the first man witness lightning form fire, they learned the art of making it themselves.

Humanity created a God and that God was the Sun God Nika.

However, if you notice, there was already slavery.

The “enslaved prayed” could reference a different status quo from a millennia ago, possibly when the Giants ruled the world and enslaved humans and other races.

But when the Sun God appeared, the Earth God was enraged.

The Earth God and the Serpent of Hell Flames joined forces to engulf the world with death and darkness.

This might be the serpent that attacked the city in the right side, confirming that what happened on the right side is the First World.

It is possible that the two entities were real but poems and myths use strong metaphorical language to get a point across.

Standing above the tree is another demon or monster that breathes fire.

It is possible that the smaller fire monster is the one that gave humanity fire and it clashes with the Serpent of Hell Flame that is destroying the technologically advanced city.

This is what Vegapunk is pointing out, that during the Void Century, the Ancient Kingdom gained advanced technology or were always more advance than the present world.

If you notice the mural, the city has gears and they look more like modern buildings.

It could very well mean that the One Piece world is a POST APOCALYPSE!

The First World is the real-life modern era, with the fire being something both ancient and new for the first world.

Not just actual fire but also…


Vegapunk revived nuclear fission, a technology of the lost “Real World”, the first world before the One Piece world.

This Mother Flame existed in the First World and it made the humans or Giants at the time so arrogant they began enslaving so many.

Eventually, a solution to the Mother Flame or its equivalent and the evil modern empire that abused its power was a God they prayed for.

Nika was probably not even the first incarnation of the Sun.

The Sun God was a superhero but also the very first Devil Fruit, hence why the flying demon breathed fire just like the Serpent of Hell Flame.

The people who saw this happen left on an Ark, likely Noah itself or an equivalent.

A king, angels and animals would form the new tribe.

This Ark…Ark Maxim might be how the original humans of our modern times left for the Moon and founded a society there.

Eventually or perhaps even within the First World, they developed the wings of the Sky Peoples.

The line “they can’t be met again” repeats throughout the poem, as we will see, representing how this era has completely ended and the entities (the Sun, the Earth, the Hell Flame) shall never return.

However, there is one more angle to look at for the mural and First World poem.

The mural does represent the Old World (that is, the world of the 21st century)

The discovery of fire gave humanity warmth and wisdom, resulting in a technological boom never before seen in the current One Piece world.

However, in touching the forbidden Sun (nuclear power), humans abused it and devastated their own world, which might have resulted in abominations such as the Earth God and the Serpent of Hell Flame.

The Gods were made by humans.

And it is humans who ask for a miracle, a god to save them from the crisis.

Enter Nika, the Sun God.

The first Devil Fruit.

He takes the form of a fire-breathing dragon.

Which is also why Kaido, the user of the Uo Uo no Mi: Model Seiryu (the azure dragon) is a “false Joy Boy”, but also someone who wants to be defeated by him, as the Serpent of Hell Flame.

Dragon is also the name of the founder and Supreme Commander of the Revolutionary Army of the modern One Piece world.

Sabo, the Flame Emperor, is the user of the Mero Mero no Mi, the Flame-Flame Fruit, that sparks revolution after claiming to be responsible for the death of King Cobra, a SNAKE.

The patterns of history speak in the present.

Nika fought against the Serpent of Hell Flame.

It is also possible that the Earth God represents a mighty earthquake or earth-based disaster that resulted in the beginnings of a world that was more sea-like.

It is possible that the One Piece version of MODERN EARTH was unified in the Pangaea continent until eventually, they broke up into multiple continents (not yet islands), with the Red Line as the oldest remnant of the First World.

The Planet Interpretation

There is yet another angle and it is that the First World (and subsequent worlds) is not just a reference to Aztec mythology’s “Five Suns” cycle of birth and destruction and rebirth and the chronology of history but also literal worlds.

The First World is a different planet because if we look at the back of what appears to be the moon, it is a planet that resembles the Earth and this reframes everything that happened

The abuse of nuclear power (forbidden sun) led to enslavement and the slaves prayed for salvation in the form of the God of the Sun.

The saving Sun God brought back the means of production (the Sun) back to the people but the God of the Earth was enraged, either due to how humans, the race that polluted or drained it of power, were saved by an outsider God or due to the usurpation by the Sun God.

We see a battle with the Serpent of Hell and the dragon, likely Nika, breathing fire against each other and the world is in flames.

Whether the world was always in flames or not, due to disaster or climate change (the current real-life Earth’s problem), we cannot say but either way, the world was bound for destruction, such that the Ark Maxim was made to escape the planet.

In the same way billionaires and scientists are looking for other planets to inhabit.

Perhaps this is the Vearth (the original Earth), our Earth, that Enel was seeking.

But instead, he went back to the old homeland of his people (of the Second World) in the Moon (Fairy Vearth)

The figures (The Sun, the Earth, the Hell Serpent) will never meet again.

The Second World: The Age of the Sun

In emptiness, there is breath. 

The deity of Forest dispatched demons. 

The Sun did nothing but spread seeds of war. 

The people of the half Moon saw a dream. 

The people of the Moon saw a dream. 

Men became gods after slaying the Sun. 

The deity of the Sea rampaged. 

They can’t be met again. 

Age of the Sun Interpretation

“In emptiness, there is breath.” represents the Void Century after the great battle.

The period of rebuilding after the war results in an empty world and divided continents.

Treasure Tree Adam is the divider of the Two World because it is the only remnant from that time that is FULLY INTACT.

In Chapter 431: “Fist of Love” and through Loki in Chapter 1131: “Loki in the Underworld”, we learn that wars were fought 

In the midst of this, the deity of the Forest send demons

This means that the Devil Fruits have spread across the world.

This could validate our theory that the two Giant Trees of the One Piece World, Treasure Tree Adam and Sunlight Tree Eve, were responsible for the creation of Devil Fruits.

While the Forest God created Devil Fruits, fulfilling the dreams of the Ancient Kingdom into the modern One Piece age, the Sun God was not yet done with his work.

He spreads Seeds of War, the D Clan, and the Inherited Will of those who oppose the tyranny of the current world.

Both Devil Fruits and the D Clan embody the idea of Inherited Will, where people, by their circumstances and choices, carry out the lost and forgotten lives of the past, of the First or previous Worlds.

If we take seed literally as well, we can also see that a human called Joy Boy would take the mantle of the original Sun God Nika by consuming the seed, the Devil Fruit, the Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Nika.

He would resemble the fabled Elbaph god and wage a war against the 20 families that united against the Ancient Kingdom.

There is some conflict over whether or not the Ancient Kingdom is meant to be the old or (real modern) First World or the Second World but what is certain is that the Second World era ended 900 years ago.

The people of the Half Moon represent Wano (because of how each Wano ruling families has a name connected to a shape of the moon) and they saw a dream.

The people of the actual Moon represent the Sky Peoples (Shandians, Skypieans, Birkans) and they also saw a dream.

Perhaps this could include the Lunarians, who might be the Angels of the First World.

And if you notice, the Lunarians have the ability to produce fire from their backs to make themselves more durable.

The Lunarians, the fire that shaped technology, and the Mother Flame rediscovered by Vegapunk, all things connected to the Sun, could mean that there was a race of unique humans in the First World called Lunarians and their powers stemmed from the original forbidden Sun, the Mother Flame.

The people of Wano were the ones who carved the Poneglyphs, which detailed pieces of the truth of the world.

Not just the Void Century but events before, during, and after the old war.

The Sky Peoples also bore history and the technology of the First World because they rode the original Ark Maxim to the Moon and established a new kingdom there.

What happened to the Moon kingdom is unknown but it seems that they were still around during the Void Century as inhabitants of the moon.

“Men became gods after slaying the Sun.”

This is the World Government, the ones responsible for slaying the original Joy Boy.

This line comes after the two lines about the two Moon peoples seeing a dream.

They must have received knowledge from history or even have a unique ability, like say the ability to read the Poneglyph script and even write it.

When they saw this dream, they saw history repeat itself and strove to survive into the next world.

The men who became gods also acquired the Forest God’s Devil Fruits and used that power to kill the Sun.

The Sea God rampaged, which could represent multiple things but two come to mind:

The first is that the Sea God rampaged as a consequence of the first Devil Fruits being used to slay a God, the Sun God, and end the dream of the First World.

The second is that the Celestial Dragons, the original Gorosei and even Imu themselves activated the Ancient Weapons and used them to flood the entire world or at least the remnants of the Ancient Kingdom that opposed them.

On a side note, the left side shows the battle with the being that held the Sun.

This demon is very likely Imu, who stole the Mother Flame from humanity for their own selfish agenda of ruling the world as a god themselves.

We also see on the left hand side of the mural the different races that sided with Joy Boy.

The Ancient Giant, the Robot Emeth, the Tontatta dwarves, the Fish-men, the Wano samurai, the Giant Mermaid Poseidon (Shirahoshi in the modern day) and the Ancient Weapon used against Imu.

The Arabasta figure could be Nefertari Lili, which is why Imu was so fixated on her upon hearing from Cobra about her treachery against the First Twenty, which her Nefertari family was a part of.

So we have three Ancient Weapons.

Pluton, the Underworld or Gold (depending on which Hades we have), hidden by the “dreamers” from the Moon peoples.

This could lead to the One Piece but the mural does not specify the connection between the Sun and One Piece.

Poseidon, the Sea, wielded by Joy Boy’s Alliance.

Uranus, the original Sky Father overthrown by the Titans, wielded by the usurper of the Sun, Imu.

In the end, unlike in Greek Mythology, Uranus won the Great War and killed the Sun.

The demons from the Forest, including the Gorosei, obtained godhood.

On another side note, Imu is an inverse of Umi, the mother sea.

Perhaps Imu is not the sea but possibly the enemy of the sea for their actions against the Sun.

The New Planet Interpretation

The Second World is the One Piece world itself and the Kingdoms and races as we know them emerge by this point.

That is because of the line, “In emptiness, there is breath.”

The planet was populated and like the alternate Earths we real-life people are looking for, the One Piece world is a sustainable

In this scenario, Imu is the reincarnation or the Devil Fruit user of the God of the Earth (Vearth) that has a strong grudge against the Sun as a dream, seeking to claim its power.

The forbidden Sun or the Mother Flame feels like only a portion of the power Imu seeks.

But in the Second World, we see Imu hold the Sun in the battle against Joy Boy because Imu has already won in the second world and sent it to the bottom of the sea.

This time, the God of the Sea rages, just like the God of the Earth.

And in Devil Fruit lore, we know that the actual Sea has a grudge against Devil Fruit users, which means that this is an actual God, not the Fruit or its users, that was formed from the desires of the people here.

One Piece has a similar system to Berserk, where the Astral World and its devils are formed by the despair of people and their desire for an explanation or reason formed the Idea of Evil as the god of Berserk’s world.

Here, it is both positive and negative forms of Inherited Will.

The God of the Forest represented the desires of the Vearth Humans, now divided into different species, to gain power.

The God of the Forest possibly held the power held by the people in the First World (the sparks), representing the Vearth’s energy or of the Sun, that would make the God of the Forest, whether through Sunlight Tree Eve, Treasure Tree Adam or both working together, create the Devil Fruits, to reincarnate the dreams of the First World of Vearth.

However, these Devils, like the First World humans, abuse the power, like how real-life humans abused the “wisdom of the flame” (advanced technology) and the actual Mother Flame (nuclear energy), to destroy and conquer.

The Ancient Kingdom may have been rebuilt but in the form of a Devil Fruit user empire, possibly even the God of the Forest itself, and it is this foe that Joy Boy fights.

If you notice, the primary deity of each other is not physically shown but rather, someone else.

There is no third entity (Serpent of Hell) in the Second World but there is a Devil holding the Sun.

If the Devil Fruit users are the reincarnation of the abusive First World humans who stole fire from the Sun (forbidden Sun), then Imu is the Devil that has the power of the God of the Earth that won against the Sun.

This “third entity” is the humanity that won the Second World War.

In the First World War, everyone loses since the entire world is burning.

In the Second World War, Imu wins and the God of the Sea rages, both against Devil Fruit users (including the First Twenty, but there is a possibility the yokai Mythical Zoans of the Gorosei might have some or full immunity to the curse) and against the rebuilt world, resulting in a flood that wiped out civilizations until they reemerged as islands in separated Kingdoms.

But the one entity to unite these islands is the ruler of the Red Line.

Not the Lunarians, the angels of the First World (likely a product of Mother Flame science) and the gods of the Second World, but the new gods who rule the era after the Void Century, the Celestial Dragons.

The dragon, the serpent, that ate the Sun.

The Third World: The Age of Heaven

In chaos, there is void. 

The troubled shadow remembers 

The promised day 

And listens to the sound of the fragmented Moon 

‘The Sun God” dances and laughs 

Leading the world to its end 

The Sun will return 

And so comes a new morning 

They will meet again 

“In chaos, there is void.”

A reference to the Void Century, where historical truth has been lost.

The Third World is the future, which is also the present One Piece world.

The troubled shadow is Imu, the one that usurped the Sun

The promised day has already arrived in the Wano Country Arc

Because the “sound of the fragmented Moon”, the divided Moon of Wano, are the Drums of Liberation.

The moon reflects the light of the sun at night, the carrier of flame during the darkness.

The void, the darkness of ignorance and of oppression, where there is no sun, except the Moon.

The Moon of the Lunarians (the First World angels, the Second World gods), the Sky peoples, and the samurai of Wano.

It turns out that Kaido, the false Joy Boy and the second “Serpent of Hell Flames”, was the one to awaken Nika back into the world after 900 years of the void.

He fulfilled the prophecy of the Promised Day of One Piece.

During this time, the people of Wano, who were among the most oppressed by the consequences of the void, even having their own 20-year void, witnessed the Sun God who Dances and Laughs.

His form, so ridiculous.

His laugh, so nonsensical.

Nika might be the source of all the laughs of the One Piece world, the joy he brings out.

Now here comes the prophecy of the Sun’s return

And when the new Dawn comes.

“They” will meet again.

They, all the figures of the First and Second World or perhaps they being the Ancient Kingdom, the whole world.

Will meet again in ONE PIECE.


And just like that, One Piece will NOT GO ON BREAK NEXT WEEK.

Four chapters in a row for 2025, the first time since 2022.

One Piece Chapter 1139 will be released on February 10, 2025.