YOU ARE NOT READY FOR THIS ONE PIECE CHARACTER! One Piece Chapter 1137 Full Spoilers!!
After 200 chapters, Oda finally reveals the identity of the Shanks lookalike. Figarland Shamrock, the twin brother of Shanks, is the new leader of God’s Knights.

In the previous One Piece chapter, we learn about the incredible lore behind Nika, the prophecy of his return as either a destroyer or savior in a changing world, and the Holy Knights finally meet Loki as they offer to make him join them.
One Piece Chapter 1137 is titled, “Shamrock Appears”.
This chapter has 17 pages.
We enter Volume 23 of “Ogre Child Yamato’s Golden Harvest Surrogate Pilgrimage” where Yamato’s group infiltrates Who’s Who’s base to rescue the other hostages.
Some of the minions under Who’s Who are inside.
King Harald, The Strongest Create Peace
The chapter begins with Luffy and his group entering “Aurust Castle” of the Western Village.
This was the castle that Shank’s double and his partner Gunko teleported into at the end of Chapter 1135: “Friends’ Cups”
We also learn in the previous chapter that Loki’s keys were held here and that this was also his home and the royal castle.
Interesting how Western Village is the main setting within Elbaph
Sheep’s House, Big Mom’s orphanage, was located here, alongside the residence of the former king.
Did King Harald leave the Heavenly World above to be close with his people or was “Aurust Castle” always the royal residence?
Road explains that this castle is not used after King Harald’s death so he is surprised to see that the front door is damaged and the guards are gone.
Zoro notices the front door was broken from inside.
Upon entering with the Straw Hat group, Road notices that there were signs of the fierce battle inside the Castle where Loki killed King Harald, showing how immensely strong both of them were.
Road reveals that although the Straw Hats know that Loki is a monster, King Harald is called “the Great Warrior”, so in a battle between the two strongest Giants in the One Piece world, the fate of the castle was sealed.
No wonder it was in a derelict state.
Now entering the inside of the castle, the group notice that there were many skeletons on the floor.
Apparently more than a hundred giant warriors were slain on that day by Loki.
Jarul and Loki were the only survivors and Jarul already gave his testimony, with the sword on his head being stuck for six years since the murder.
We now need Loki to say his piece or we will never know the full truth of what happened.
Did the Ancient Giants Spread Their Genes Worldwide?
Luffy notices a skull with horns similar to Oars’, whose corpse once possessed Luffy’s shadow in the Thriller Bark Arc.
Road explains that there are some giants that inherited some blood of the “Ancient Giant Tribe”.
However there are no longer pure-blood members of the “Ancient Giant Tribe”.
Does this also mean that Oars Jr. of the Whitebeard Pirates is already dead?
Is he even a pure Ancient Giant?
We have a theory on how the Ancient Giants might have spread across the world.
One Piece Theory of Gigantification: Ancient Giants Are Kaido’s Ancestors
We see a portrait of King Harald hanging on a wall, the same one shown in the last chapter but now we see the finer details.
King Harald was a bald and fierce looking giant with a huge black mustache and beard. He also had two huge scars on his head and a line tattoo on his face just like Ripley’s.
Road remarked that King Harald was a man who loved peace and wanted to connect Elbaph with every nation in the world.
He was also considered the greatest King Elbaph has ever seen.
Luffy is impressed by how strong he looked.
Road further explains that the marks on Harald’s head were what remained after he pulled out his own horns because the sight of the Ancient Giant Tribe would remind people of the ancient warring periods.
What if King Harald banished Oars Jr. and possibly his other Ancient Giant relatives?
Or was Oars Jr. from a different Giant nation?
Speaking of which, we learn that Elbaph is not the only Giant Country.
Although we have met the Ancient Giants, the only other Giant Tribe outside of the Ancient and Elbaph Gians are the Yeti Cool Brothers, who are more apelike but are confirmed to be part of the Giant race.
Hajrudin was born between Harald and another giant woman before Harald married Loki’s mom. Hajrudin’s mom could not become Queen of Elbaph because she was a giant from another country and was looked down upon since many in Elbaph, maybe the nobility of the Heavenly World, would like to preserve the pure Elbaph bloodline.
There is some contradiction of mentalities here as Harald wants nothing to do with the Ancient Giants due to their connection to the older times of war while most of Elbaph, who grew up with the romantic notions of war, probably wanted to maintain their Ancient Giant bloodline.
However, another contradiction is that there is a skeleton of an Ancient Giant in the castle, meaning that Loki must have killed one of the Ancient Giants serving his father Harald and that Harald did not quite banish them.
Perhaps Oars Jr. is from indeed from another country, is part of an isolated clan or chose to leave Elbaph out of a desire for adventure or feeling distant from the people there, both due to his appearance and possibly from Harald’s pacifism.
Then again it is also possible that this pure Elbaph bloodline could simply be racially motivated, even if other Giant countries had Ancient Giant DNA.
There are still some gaps there but it is more than likely that Elbaph is the last place with Ancient Giant blood, until King Harald disassociated himself with it.
Zoro then asked Road why he chose to be on the ship of a half-Elbaph Giant like Hajrudin.
We see a small flashback when Road was bullied as a child because he was an otaku.
But Hajrudin was impressed with his map drawing skill and asked to be his friend.
This Hajrudin looks similar to when we saw him in Big Mom’s flashback, meaning Road was recruited right around that time or after Big Mom’s rampage.
Road says that Hajrudin withstood all insults and humiliation he received as a half-blood. Hajrudin dream is to become the King of all Giants, not just Elbaph, and unite all of the Giant Tribes in the world.
Will we see the other Giant Tribes in this arc?
Have we already met other Giant Tribes outside the Ancient Giants?
We did meet the Yeti Cool Brothers and both them and the Ancient Giants are less human than the Elbaph Giants.
Luffy and the rest then spot the guards that were taken down by Gunko in Chapter 1135.
The Arrow Arrow Fruit
We cut to the “Underworld” where Loki’s bandaged face is covered in blood from Gunko’s attacks.
Gunko enlarges her boots with arrows to make herself taller and to reach Loki’s face.
Those must be some long legs to reach a Giant of Loki’s size.
Gunko thinks this punishment will make Loki see reason but Loki insists that he cannot move a muscle right now anyway.
Gunko tells Loki that he, a low class being, is offered a chance to rise to “godhood”, something beyond anyone’s reach no matter how strong they are.
Gunko creates arrows from her feet, arrows that match the trajectory that Gunko’s attacks will follow.
Loki states where Gunko’s attacks are headed, first with an accelerated kick to the right side of his face and, after Loki’s head is turned from the kick, Gunko will follow it up with an uppercut from her fist
Loki seems to be an Observation Haki user, who can see through the bandages but also predict the course of Gunko’s attacks.
Gunko declares that her arrows determine the course of her future, meaning her attacks cannot be avoided.
However, she can stop them if Loki accepts their offer to be a Holy Knight.
This means that Gunko is somewhat programmed to follow the course set by her arrows, which means she can not only creates but in a way, make her whole body behave like one.
Loki once again refuses and in an amazing double page spread, Gunko starts walking on top of the arrows she’d created. And when Loki rejects them again, she attacks him just as Loki predicted: first an accelerated kick in the right side of Loki’s face and then a powerful uppercut. To attack Loki’s giant body, Gunko creates huge boots and gauntlets with her arrows.
After so many attacks, Loki finally loses consciousness.
We also see the other animals fall to Gunko’s arrows after their failed attempt to protect Loki.
Perhaps Loki was weakened from the imprisonment and possible starvation, although his animal buddies might have sustained him through his orders.
Figarland Shamrock, Twin Brother of Shanks
In the final EPIC final double page spread of the chapter, we see the hooded figure take off his black cloak, revealing his true appearance and his name.
Figarland Shamrock
Son of Saint Figarland Garling of the Five Elder Stars
Leader of God’s Knights (World Noble)
The Redon hints did bring up a clover but it was actually in reference to the Shamrock Leaf all along.
We also learn the name of Gunko’s Devil Fruit: The Aro Aro No Mi (The Arrow Arrow Fruit), which makes Gunko an Arrow Human.
What we have seen so far is that the Arrow Arrow Fruit allows the user to make objects like bandages into arrows, make arrows into constructs such as fists or boots, and even command the user’s body to perform attacks that cannot be avoided by the target.
In a way, Gunko can make arrows into objects and other objects and her own body move like arrows.
Shamrock says that plans have changed as it seemed like everyone is utterly useless.
Shamrock resembles Shanks but without his scar and having longer hair, with a braid to hold the back of his hair, and of course, Shamrock has two arms.
Shamrock also wears a classy uniform resembling those of British or French soldiers of the 17th century, with high boots and a scarf around his neck.
On his waist is a sword with a handle that resembles Gryphon’s, Shank’s sword.
The chapter ends with Shamrock looking at the unconscious Loki as he reveals his plans to make the ferocious “Warriors of Elbaph” who once conquered the “New World” in ancient times part of the World Government.
One Piece Chapter 1138 will be released on February 3, 2025.