My Hero Academia: The HARDEST Mirko Quiz On The Internet! Dev 6 Dec 2023 My Hero Academia 0 votes, 0 avg 2 Created by Dev My Hero Academia: The HARDEST Mirko Quiz On The Internet! Do you consider yourself to be a huge My Hero Academia fan? Let's see how much you know about Mirko! 1. What is Mirko's current age? 27 25 24 29 2. What is Mirko's real name? Rumi Mirko Rina Usagiyama Rumi Usagiyama Ruma Usagaiyamaye 3. What is the name of Mirko's quirk? Bunny Rabbit Hare Jumper 4. What is Mirko's Blood Type? B A AB O Your score is The average score is 63% Restart quiz 300*600