Black Clover: Ultimate Charmy Pappitson Quiz Is Here! Harsh S 4 Jul 2023 BLACK CLOVER © 2015 by Yuki Tabata/SHUEISHA Inc. 0 votes, 0 avg 1 Created by Harsh S Black Clover: Ultimate Charmy Pappitson Is Here! Do you believe that you are a true fan of Black Clover? Then check out this ultimate Quiz on Charmy Pappitson! 1. What is the Magic attribute of Charmy? Food Magic Transmutation Magic Transformmation Magic Textile Magic 2. What is Charmy's age? 21 14 20 13 3. What is Charmy's height during Spade kingdom? 142 cm 139 cm 146 cm 140 cm 4. What species does Charmy is from? Dwarf-Human Elf-Human Human Dwarf 5. Who is the English voice actor of Charmy? Lydia Mackay Alexis Tipton Sarah Wiedenheft Jill Harris 6. Yuki Tabata, based on Charmy's design, is which of the following? His Wife His Teacher His Mother His Friend 7. Charmy's grimoire design is featured on which volume cover? Volume 4 Volume 7 Volume 10 Volume 8 Your score is The average score is 57% Restart quiz 300*600