The Most Confusing Chapter of Chainsaw Man 2025? Chainsaw Man Chapter 190 Review!
Once again, Chainsaw Man bewilders us with an unexpected conclusion to the Aging Devil Arc, only to lead us to a much weirder ride to a new world.

In the previous Chainsaw Man chapter, Yoshida unleashes the Octopus Devil while there are apparently two versions of Fumiko Mifune.
This chapter does not resolve any of these new mysteries.
Chainsaw Man Chapter 190 is titled, “To Their Respective Worlds”
This chapter has 14 pages.
The chapter begins with the Aging Devil trapped inside a dark space.
The Aging Devil thinks it has finally achieved its goal of oblivion, even if it is still conscious up to this point.
Suddenly, it hears the voices of various humans, talking about how the Aging Devil deceived this Aging World victim and two others named Yaguchi and George.
The figure is in tears as the Aging Devil broke its promise of a deathless paradise and somehow brought “that devil” to “our world” (referring to the Aging World)
We see a silhouette of what appears to be Pochita trapped inside the tentacles of the Octopus Devil.
Pochita barfs out the man from the Aging World and this man grabs the Aging Devil, which is followed by the head of the Octopus Devil vanishing out of nowhere.
By the way, the Octopus Devil’s female head emerging is akin to Rei’s giant head at the End of Evangelion conclusion.
One of the Public Safety Devil Hunters sacrificed for Aging’s power sees the “living” Fumiko Mifune, who holds a screwdriver.
We now see the Aging Devil inside its own Aging World, which means that even the Aging Devil that rules this world can no longer use its powers.
As it turns out, that conversation was all inside the mouth of the Octopus Devil’s woman head. Oooh.
Yoshida greets the Aging Devil and offers it a deal based on the lesson Yoshida imparted last chapter.
“To their respective worlds, the forest (Aging Devil) and the town (humans and Chainsaw Man)”.
Yoshida’s contract is for everyone to return to their respective worlds to never fight again and if the Aging Devil refuses, Denji says that everyone but Denji himself can go back through his mouth and the Aging Devil will stay with Denji, who will not be able to erase anything by eating the Aging Devil in the Aging World since Devil powers no longer apply here.
The irony now is that within his own world, the Aging Devil is unable to use its powers to either send people to the Aging World or to age objects.
Within the Aging World, the long-lived Aging Devil is just like any human being, equal in maturity.
We return to the real world, where we see the anti-Chainsaw Man protester with their weapons beat up someone while they surround the nearby restaurant, where we somehow see that everyone did return to normal, although Denji’s clothes are still an utter mess.
We see Denji, Yoshida, Fumiko, Asa, and Fami of all people sharing the same table, asking for orders.
Denji wants a whole cake, which Fami also wants.
We saw Fami last time in Chapter 170: “How to Eat Sushi” when she was unfazed by the presentation of Nayuta’s head on a platter.
Also when Pochita ate the Mouth Devil, that is easily Fami’s worst nightmare since as the Famine Devil, eating is her pleasure, though we never saw her and we just imagined she panicked.
A pseudo-Chainsaw Man tries to attack the five in the restaurant but he is put down
Yoshida does remark that they are now living a normal life.
Which should be Denji’s ending too now that he is human again.
The Aging World victim now has a job on a construction site, so at least things are going well for him.
The chapter does end on a humorous note though as the old Finance Minister that consented to the murder of 10,000 children for Aging Devil’s deal is left behind in Aging’s World, indeed fulfilling his desire of an ageless existence but in a karmic way.
He did act as one of the legs for the Aging Devil’s living throne.
The chapter shows quite a fitting defeat for the Aging Devil.
Simply put, by following Yoshida’s logic of bringing a bear back to its own world, the Aging Devil ironically was left completely defeated.
Without Chainsaw Man’s stomach as the gateway back to the real world, the Aging Devil is left to live out its own lie of a deathless paradise, where it would mature and grow, still unable to learn anything at all.
A truly helpless, pathetic existence.
This is ending off way too well after all the hellish trauma Denji went through at the very start of the current arc and now it ends…just like that.
The Forest and the Town Symbolism
Chainsaw Man is replete with simple yet powerful metaphors about the ordinary life.
The forest made of people who become trees is a fitting description of the Aging World because the forest is where people get lost and are disconnected from society, where age defines their worth.
It is also where people usually go to end their lives, which is a common phenomenon in Japan, particularly the Aokigahara Forest near Mount Fuji.
The Aging World was seen as a punishment for the humans of town who are lost in the forest but for those who want to get lost, they treat it as a deathless paradise.
The forest is bewildering and strange but also isolated and away from the bigger world.
To get lost in it is to die and to surrender to the elements.
Yet through the Aging World, we see that this choice to surrender to death transforms into a selfish longing to escape death instead.
Now, the Aging Devil is feeling the consequence of its distant view of maturity.
Chainsaw Man Chapter 191 will be released on January 21, 2025.