
One Piece Theory: We Might Have a Name for Shanks’ Twin

We might have a clue to the name of Shanks’ twin.

ONE PIECE © 1997 by Eiichiro Oda/SHUEISHA Inc.

With the introduction of the scarless twin of Red-Haired Shanks, it might be time to bring up a connection between Shanks and his relatives in the Figarland Family and this could be the key to knowing the name of Shanks’ twin.

Some have observed that the names of some One Piece characters are likely from sailing terms, such as Luffy being coincidentally close to the word “luffing”, which means to steer the boat closer to the wind.

In the Egghead Island Arc, Chapter 1086: “Five Elders”, we meet Figarland Garling.

The word “garling” sounds like “anchoring” but this is hard to pin, however, as Oda has not specified where he got the name Garling from or Shanks for that matter.

However, his moon-shaped hair structure can also resemble an anchor’s arms.

However, Shanks is a lot more directly tied to the anchor analogy in a lot of ways.

First, of course is that Shanks is a real word, more specifically the plural of a shank, which is the vertical shaft of the anchor.

Second, Shanks acts as an anchor for the world’s balance and it could also tie to the role of Shanks’s twin

Claus is also a reference to the other main character of Mother 3, who became a Darth Vader-like figure who commands the Pig Mask Army and is the evil twin of the main protagonist Lucas.

Although the name is written as an anagram of the name Lucas, Claus is connected to Shanks because Claus sounds like “crown”, a crown is the bottom end of an anchor, the part where the arms are welded to the shank.

Additionally, the name “Gunko”, given to fake Shanks’ partner, has the characters for “child soldier”, which could represent her being trained as a child or even being taken from the lower worlds like how the Cipher Pol acquire their agents as children.

Since Shanks has a twin, it would also make sense if the twin has a similar name to the anchor.

And it would work better since the character is conceptualized by the time One Piece became popular and Oda would notice a similarity in the naming convention.

Also, Shanks is a character that lost his left arm and it is the crown that puts the two arms of the anchor together.