The NEW Makima Has SHOCKED EVERYONE: Denji x Asa Has Died. (Chainsaw Man)

Credit: lgedd_, kumah_dessu,Centauri
Chainsaw Man Manga released Chainsaw Man chapter 120 which reveals that Denji has finally achieved a genuine relationship, Denji x Asa Kiss! Asa Mitaka A.K.A. The War Devil Fiend seems to have fallen in love with Denji even though she might not admit to it. However Asa, While on a date with Denji at his house, kissed Denji which Nayuta, the new reincarnation of the control devil, saw and preceded to take control over Asa and turn her mentally into a dog. To fix this, Denji had to make a deal with Nayuta to turn her back at the cost of Denji not getting involve with Asa ever again. This was also to protect Denji as Nayuta cares about him and doesn’t want him to get hurt
#chainsawman #denji #makima #asamitaka #nayuta