RIN BREAKS ISAGI AND KAISER’S ALLIANCE! Blue Lock Chapter 289 Spoilers!!
Rin destroys Isagi and Kaiser’s teamup with one insane evolution!

In the previous Blue Lock chapter, Ness’ choice to pass to Kaiser instead to Isagi cost Bastard Munchen an advantage, leading to him being chewed out by his idol and Isagi.
Thanks to shindianaify for the translation
Blue Lock Chapter 290 is titled, “Pig”
This chapter has 20 pages.
Editor’s note: “Words that pierce Ness, frozen in place! Those without pride are unnecessary in this field !!”
The chapter begins with Kaiser telling Ness to quit soccer, just like last chapter and we see Ness’ face as a puzzle piece crack into two.
Ness does not take this sitting quietly as he insists that he only came here to help Kaiser becomes the best in the world.
Kaiser asks Ness if he feels anything about being in this place, where a clash of egos takes place.
Kaiser gets close to Ness as he continues, saying that this place is not for losers like Ness who live for someone else.
Kaiser hates it so much that he wishes pigs that can’t stand on their own should disappear
Ness insists helping Kaiser is his only purpose.
Kaiser walks away, seeing the futility as he points out that this matter cannot be talked about in a normal conversation and that he is not angry at Ness for his mindset but that he cannot accept human emotions.
Returning to Isagi, Kaiser tells Ness that in the revolution of soccer, Ness has no place in it.
Isagi remarks that in this environment, Ness is the type who will fall behind and notes that he is a dying talent that no one will expect anything from.
On the other team’s side, Rin expresses his desire to destroy everything but he knows that this action will be easily exploited by Isagi for his counterattack, just like before.
Rin looks for a destructive breakthrough and tries to hype himself up.
The match restarts and immediately, Isagi notices a change in Rin.
Instead of stealing the ball directly from Isagi, Rin sticks close and blocks Kaiser’s passing course
This essentially reduced Isagi’s options if he goes with Kaiser’s play.
Zantetsu and Nanase block Kaiser’s path but Kiyora comes forward, asking Kaiser to use him.
However, Kaiser has no room to move and Isagi sees the play is to separate him and Kaiser, which counters their strategy of working together that dominated earlier.
Isagi refuses to give into panic and looks for a way towards the goal.
Knowing that Rin and the others are only there to witness, Isagi nears Kaiser, who uses his Kaiser Impact: Magnus Cross.
Everyone is surprised to see the Kaiser Impact used as a pass in spite of all the blockers.
Before the Kaiser Impact could reach Isagi, Rin stops the Kaiser Impact, expressing his desire to destroy Isagi and Kaiser’s relationship.
Suddenly, Isagi sees Rin undergo a new mutation, a full change to his style.
Editor’s note: “The genius shows an unexpected explosion! If they won’t surpass the beast, they can’t score the final goal!”
Blue Lock Chapter 290 will be titled: “Blue Bad Boy” and will be released on January 29, 2025.