Naruto: The Ultimate Tsunade Quiz Is Here! Harsh S 26 Sep 2023 NARUTO © 1999 by Masashi Kishimoto/SHUEISHA Inc. 0 votes, 0 avg 9 Created by Harsh S Naruto: The Ultimate Tsunade Quiz Is Here! Do you consider yourself to be a huge Naruto fan? Let's see how you know about, the legendary Sanin Tsunade! 1. Tsunade is a member of which clan? Uchiha Uzumaki Nara Senju 2. What is Tsunade's age in Naruto anime? 55 51 56 54 3. What was Tsunade's height in Naruto Shippuden? 160 cm 164 cm 163.1 cm 165.2 cm 4. What is Tsunade's weight in Naruto? 50 kg 47.6 kg 52 kg 48.9 kg 5. What is Tsunade's blood type? O AB A B 6. What is Tsunade's Ninja registration number? 002322 002403 002302 002500 7. How many A-rank missions has Tsunade completed? 418 96 500 236 Your score is The average score is 48% Restart quiz 300*600