Naruto: The Ultimate Madara Uchiha Quiz Is Here! Dev 17 Jan 2024 0 votes, 0 avg 10 Created by Dev Naruto: The Ultimate Madara Uchiha Quiz Is Here! Do you consider yourself to be a huge Naruto fan? Let's see how you do in this ultimate Ino Yamanaka Quiz! 1. In Which Chapter did Madara make his debut? Chapter 230 Chapter 400 Chapter 390 Chapter 370 2. What is Madara's blood type? Type O Type C Type A Type B 3. What was Madara's height when he met Hashirama? 175cm 160cm 143cm 144cm 4. What was Madara's hobby? Sleeping Stone Throwing Fighting Falconry Your score is The average score is 48% Restart quiz 300*600