Naruto: The Ultimate Kakashi Hatake Quiz Is Here! Harsh S 29 Sep 2023 NARUTO © 1999 by Masashi Kishimoto/SHUEISHA Inc. 0 votes, 0 avg 32 Created by Harsh S Naruto: The Ultimate Kakashi Hatake Quiz Is Here! Do you consider yourself to be a huge Naruto fan? Let's see how much you know about the copy ninja Kakashi Hatake! 1. Kakashi became chunin at what age? 18 12 17 6 2. What is Kakashi's blood type? AB B O A 3. What is Kakashi's weight? 60.4 kg 70.2 kg 75.7 kg 67.5 kg 4. What is Kakashi's height? 181 cm 191 cm 184 cm 180 cm 5. What was Kakashi's age during Naruto anime? 29 25 26 28 6. When is Kakashi's birthdate? September 19 September 15 November 17 November 25 7. What is Kakashi's Ninja Registration code? 006932 018988 009744 009720 Your score is The average score is 50% Restart quiz 300*600