Naruto: The Ultimate Jiraiya Quiz Is Here! Harsh S 25 Sep 2023 NARUTO © 1999 by Masashi Kishimoto/SHUEISHA Inc. 0 votes, 0 avg 39 Created by Harsh S Naruto: The Ultimate Jiraiya Quiz Is Here! Do you consider yourself to be a huge Naruto fan? Let's see how you know about Naurto's sensei, the legendary Sanin Jiraiya! 1. What was Jiraiya's age during Naruto Shippuden? 52 54 51 50 2. How many official S-rank missions has Jiraiya completed? 58 614 138 345 3. Who was Jiraiya's Sensei when he was a genin? Sarutobi Enma Tobirama Senju Sarutobi Hiruzen Hiruko 4. What is Jiraiya's blood type? B AB A O 5. Jiraiya cannot use whihc of the following release type? Water Release Yang Release Earth Release Lightning Releases 6. What was Jiraiya's height during the Naruto TV anime? 190 cm 165 cm 191.2 cm 194.8 7. What is Jiraiya's Ninja Registration number? 002100 002265 002301 003122 Your score is The average score is 31% Restart quiz 300*600